Tuesday, June 11, 2013

IBM SmartCloud, PureFlex: MSP double-crossed?

IBM SmartCloud PureFlex systems and will move into the spotlight of the MSP IBM Summit.

IBM GMs Andy Monshaw (left) and Deepak Advani (right) will probably offer PureFlex and SmartCloud updates during a Summit of MSP.

IBM SmartCloud PureFlex systems and will take center stage at the Summit of MSP IBM this week in Las Vegas. The big question: can IBM convince more MSPs to standardize its hardware infrastructure and converging cloud platforms (especially in the midst of acquiring SoftLayer)?

Among the leaders to address these and other problems this week at IBM's Summit:

Andy Monshaw, General Manager, SystemsDeepak Advani PureFlex, general manager, Cloud and intelligent infrastructure

IBM's effort to engage MSPs began in 2011. Original effort involved in data center hardware sales. But IBM has been expanding its focus to include MSP and managed services that can connect MSPs cloud.

Not coincidentally, IBM MSP definition has expanded to include a wide range of companies offering on-and off-premise that IT services. It is clear that IBM is trying to engage everyone from telecommunications systems integrators with its portfolio of hardware, software and managed cloud offerings.

Hardware Giants home servers (Dell, HP, IBM and Sun Oracle) I think IBM has a sharp focus on MSPs. But those are MSPs generating big business for IBM? It's a safe bet Monshaw and Advani will provide updates when they take the stage at the Summit of the 11 June IBM.

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