Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Google: Will MSPs be wearable Tech fleet management?

Cloud-based Enterprise mobility management (EMM) company Fiberlink last week announced that the MaaS360 platform can be reached by IT administrators using glass of Google (GOOG). MSPmentor I was wondering if there was a big demand for Google monitoring Glass so we caught up with Frank Scloendorn, Director of the Android ecosystem to Fiberlink and one of the few members of the exclusive group of owners of Google Glass today. Here is his perspective.

Cloud-based Enterprise mobility management (EMM) company Fiberlink last week announced that the MaaS360 platform can be reached by IT administrators using glass of Google (GOOG). MSPmentor I was wondering if there was a big demand for Google monitoring Glass so we caught up with Frank Scloendorn, Director of the Android ecosystem based on Philadelphia Fiberlink and one of the few members of the exclusive group of owners of Google Glass today. He has provided us with some real use cases for Google Glass business and perspectives on the future of wearable technology, as well as the future plans of Fiberlink for the platform.

Scloendorn told me that Fiberlink has already gotten inquiries from customers about whether the MaaS360 will be able to monitor the Google Glass devices, so there is certainly an interest and the device is really something that is on the radar of some customers. And for those who think this technology is ' out there ' Scloendorn pointed out that the iPad that you carry around everywhere was considered a foolish consumer device a few years ago. We don't know that Google Glass or other non-wearable computing devices will see the same kind of success that iPad has over the next three to four years, he said.

So Fiberlink experimented as its business customers may want to use Google Glass. The first way is to add practicality. Writing a Google API mirror glass, Fiberlink was able to add features to its Google Glass platform monitoring, leaving work on Scloendorn back in the Office remotely without using your cell phone or laptop. Tried this while sitting in the audience at the Developer Conference, Google i/o in San Francisco recently.  (Like TSA Airport security reacted to Google Glass when Scloendorn traveled from Philadelphia to SFO?  Have not paid any attention to the device that Scloendorn put in your particular case and in the bin for x-ray machine.)

Currently, applications on Google only Glass can be hosted in the cloud, so they are limited. There is no way to download the applications on the device itself. Google plans to add that feature soon, however, Scloendorn said, using an SDK. Currently the applications that work with Google Glass include Gmail, Evernote and some applications of news from publishers, CNN and the Wall Street Journal.  Oh and the MaaS360 monitoring interface.

But this is only the beginning. Fiberlink offers the following potential business use cases:

Utility workers. When these workers are climbing telephone polls or in situations where there is high voltage, hands-free access to their applications both could increase efficiency and safety.

Hospital workers, including doctors and nurses. Google Glass could potentially be used to read QR codes on medical bracelets for health workers to assist with quick access to medical files on their Google Glass heads up display.

The next step will be when enterprises start getting more Google Glass devices and the need to manage them. Google Glass runs on Android, that most platforms EMM and MDM support already. But IT and the developers will be looking at how to protect devices like Google Glass. Apple (AAPL) reportedly is also working on wearable tech in the form of a wristwatch.

The Google Glass price may be another factor. The device debuted in its first distribution limited to $ 1,500, but when Google releases a retail version next year you'd expect for a price significantly lower than that.

And we'd be remiss if we note the mixed reaction that Google Glass may be among those who are not quite as enamored of technology and new gadgets. But perhaps these people are just jealous.  I know that being. Sort of.

Business Leadership lessons from Game of Thrones and the Stark House

CELESTIX CEO Tim Ager recently took a look at what business leaders can learn from Game of Thrones and more precisely from the successes and failures of the hero Ned Stark. Here's what you need to know in order not to lose your head.

Despite his previous success and its high level of integrity, Ned Stark was able to adapt to his new role.

Rob Stark is dead, the Stark family ever be reunited in winter or anywhere else and hopes of fallen heroes to ruin. That is basically how season 3 synthesis of Game of Thrones closes. What does this have to do with managed services and business? CELESTIX CEO Tim Ager recently pointed out in his blog that the first season of this HBO series can provide useful lessons in leadership and management, especially if you do not want to "lose his head" as a hero who made Ned Stark. Here's the advice of Ager on how to take your career to the next level.

Ager said that Ned Stark begins the series as a successful leader, but is put to the test when he reluctantly accepted the position as the "hand of the King" – basically the COO who must deal with the day-to-day reign of Westeros.

As Ager points out, Stark has an impressive curriculum that leads to work:

Born into a noble family and ben educatedTrained and warfareSuccessful leadership in numerous campaigns over yearsObtained many more awards related to its northern TerritoryTrusted achievementsRuler friend, right hand man and supporter of the King

As Ager notes: "I know you did well in your core competency, earned your Spurs and they progressed your career. Take a look at your resume shows exemplary credentials. And then you are asked to step up and become a VP or join the C-suite level ".

Ager argues that the same skills you have in your new place of work are not the same ones that will allow you to be successful.

His new role of hand puts Stark in a new situation, among others who hold the power, but they have different agendas. Stark has no experience in the field, having spent his career commanding subordinates and never cultivate the ability to deal with the ambiguity of policy.

And while any topic criticizing Ned Stark, the hero of the first season that has retained its integrity and morality despite horrendous circumstances, probably will be met by fans and fans GOT Stark as heresy, Ager is right. Ned does not adapt to his new situation, and all the characters are still feeling the repercussions of that at the end of season 3.  But it does mean that you should change who you are to fit your new role?

"Now I'm not for a minute suggesting that based on the experience of the poor old Ned it changes everything and transform yourself into something you're not. After all your strengths are the main reason why he was asked to step up and take on a larger scale, "Ager wrote. "However, we should all listen to the allegory of Ned Stark and realize that unless we adapt to our new leadership roles we stand a greater chance of failure. Successful Leadership is on many things and it means different things in different organizations, but a foundation of successful leadership is to continue to be good at what we did during the adaptation to be successful enough at things that we did. "

Expect more GOT management and leadership lessons from Ager, as an end of season 3. Any forensic analysis on errors of Rob Stark? Triumphs of DANERYS? Career path of Jon Snow?

Meanwhile, you have collected every management wisdom from books, movies or television? Tell us in the comments.

BYOD, WiFi workforce shape future Mobile, survey reveals

There is some good news for managed service providers (MSP) following the getting your device (BYOD) trend closely. A recent survey of iPass Inc (IPAS) presented a report between BYOD policies, use of smartphones by region and worker productivity, finding that mobile workers use connectivity to be more productive and more hours, and most of this work has been done over WiFi.

iPass CEO Evan Kaplan said in his prepared speech that companies can increase employee productivity by providing them with mobile devices to work remotely.

There is some good news for managed service providers (MSP) following the getting your device (BYOD) trend closely. A recent survey of iPass Inc (IPAS) presented a report between BYOD policies, use of smartphones by region and worker productivity, finding that mobile workers use connectivity to be more productive and more hours, and most of this work was done via Wi-Fi. What is the ratio of the company? We reveal the key takeaways.

Take a trip across the globe, and you will find that North Americans are working more hours every week, on average, than peers in other regions, the survey revealed. North Americans, in addition to working more hours, find smartphones as a tool of production, opening more opportunities for these workers to be more productive with BYOD policies at work.

In fact, 70 percent of mobile workers are taking advantage of company policies BYOD, the survey said. North American workers are more likely to work at companeis with BYOD policies, unlike workers in other regions, and tend to seek employment with companies that implement such policies. Around 35 per cent of respondents said that a BYOD company policy can sway their employment choices.

iPass CEO Evan Kaplan said in his prepared speech that companies can increase employee productivity by providing them with mobile devices to work remotely.

But where do you put WiFI in this equation? Non-productive hours in a workday. Most mobile workers reported that they spend the majority of their business days within a range of a WiFi hotspot. On the other hand, however, 41 percent of workers believed that the lack of wireless coverage makes them unproductive at least 10 percent of their workday.

"Although not fi BYOD are everywhere, this poll indicates that mobile workers want access to reliable, affordable connectivity anytime and anywhere they need to work," said Kaplan.

Other key findings from iPass Mobile Workforce Report include the following:

Fifty-nine percent of mobile workers have paid more than $ 20 for occasional use of WiFi. Twenty-four percent of workers have paid $ 30 or more for the only access to WiFi; seventy percent of mobile workers are allowed to use their mobile devices to work (BYOD). North American workers were most likely to work for a company with a policy BYOD, followed by Asia Pacific and European workers. Workers who make BYOD, the majority said that currently or would WiFi costs from spending their personal mobile devices.Mobile workers spend their time working in a variety of places. The most likely to have their houses or some type of Office, but the 75 per cent also work remotely from hotels; the report 40 percent work from airplanes and coffee shops; and 29 per cent report working on public transport such as trains, buses and subways; andNearly three of the four mobile workers (71 percent) search availability WiFi hotspot before travelling. Asia Pacific workers are more likely to do this kind of research, followed by European and North American workers.

The company's report was based on a survey of 1,150 employees of mobile enterprise worldwide between March 28, 2013 and April 19, 2013.

iPass announced a new version of its iPass Open Mobile for iOS, a WiFi client for iOS devices, in January 2013.

3 ways to avoid the summer laziness BDR for MSPs

Summer heat can cause as big a disaster such as a hurricane or tornado?  We turned to backup and disaster recovery specialist and MSP Strata Information Technology, Inc. to find out. President Pete Robbins follows three simple steps to keep your customers in control during the summer heat. You reveal the scoop in this exclusive MSPmentor.

Strata Information Technology, Inc. President Pete Robbins said laziness can kick when disasters strike only occasionally.

Summer heat can cause as big a disaster such as a hurricane or tornado?  We turned to backup and disaster recovery specialist and MSP Strata Information Technology, Inc. to find out. President Pete Robbins follows three simple steps to keep your customers in control during the summer heat. You reveal the scoop in this exclusive MSPmentor.

Robbins suggested to MSPmentor that MSPs located in an area that is less likely to be affected by a natural disaster, it is still important to stay focused and excited.

His company is located in Los Angeles, California, area, according to Robbins, who rarely attended, if not all, of any calamity since 1994. Since this is the case, Robbins noted "a bit of laziness".

To overcome these drawbacks, Robbins plans customers of your company for the following: disasters

Meeting with customers every year to discuss business continuity(BC) -understand how clients plan to keep the business running during the disaster, including disasters caused not by nature. His company reviews the plan to close any holes. If customers don't have a plan, or if they are new, Robbins works with them to prepare one;Budget and implement changes -changes may be necessary to provide BDR solutions or plans of BC. These alterations must be properly budgeted. Assist customers by identifying the costs. Help implement changes in your customer; andcustomer Test plans -need to be tested plans for areas that are still at risk. Don't let mother nature control you. Take the summer to test, test and test plans.

How to keep your customers from falling to the heat of summer? How often you review BDR solutions with their plans or BC?

Complex Hosting without the complexity: use Cloud Tech to expand services, markets

Custom infrastructure environments built to customer specifications, are among the most profitable services MSPs can offer. However, the complexity and personalization make it hard to scale these services. Cloud-based services are changing the game.

Complex Hosting, offering custom built infrastructure environments on customer specifications, is among the most profitable services for many MSPs. customers expect to pay extra for the advisory work with your architects and custom deployment and administration of your systems administrators. Also, due to custom work, customers usually sign minimum contracts and changes require new quote. However, these characteristics are also why is it so hard for your complex hosting service to scale.

The effort to buy fiddly requires qualified personnel to engage with customers often several rounds of specification and proposal. System administrators spend time validates design and implementation and therefore must provide adequate supervision and management. Sourcing, custom configuration and hardware implementation and software stack requires additional time and effort.  To offset the cost of hiring and developing people with these skills, your offer must be consistent, and this requires more citations and pushing the decision up to the Executive level at your customer. So while the deals are profitable, they take time and effort to develop, and the market is limited. The result is that scale your business remains difficult.

Expensive infrastructures are the problem much cloud computing is designed to address, and when it debuted many proclaimed the end of MSPs. It is understandable then, MSPs that many tend to see the cloud as competitive. After all, if anyone can deploy a virtual machine on a large cloud services provider with an API call, there should be no need to MSPs, right? Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.  Building scalable, reliable services in the cloud still requires considerable skill, most companies, though, system administrators and experienced expert. The skill differential is your sales opportunities. So fundamental skills of MSPs in design and operation are still valuable in the cloud.

However, there is more opportunity for MSPs, because the cloud isn't just a business model. Rather, there is a new technology being developed. The goal of this technology is to make data center resources consumption without access to the data center. The infrastructure itself; Servers, switches, storage and more were never developed with that in mind. However, using remote data center resources, not limited to end-user organization. If implemented correctly this new technology may allow MSPs to remove the complexity inherent in complex hosting, expand their services and enter new markets.

For example, MSPs can use cloud to accelerate the sales cycle. Our MSP partners have successfully exploited the cloud to work faster. Infrastructure can be set up, knocked down and changed so rapidly in the cloud actually they can engage in real-time collaboration clients. More specifically, our cloud platform provides infrastructure AppLogic CA visual drag-and-drop. Solution architects and system administrators often use the view to create and manage customer infrastructure. Customers can more easily understand what is proposed because of the Visual display. As a result, the typical cycle of specification and quote can be reduced or even eliminated.

In fact, some MSPs are now building experts and centres providing service through online meetings to further accelerate the process. While some customers are not ready to accept a session online, many are because cloud infrastructure can be changed easily and therefore do not have the risk of lock-in associated with traditional distribution. Using visual infrastructure allows you to build the infrastructure and refining iteratively with little or no cost for changes.

As system administrators manage customer infrastructure will change as well. Rather than work in a data center can work from anywhere they have internet access. This mobility creates new opportunities for your business. Your team can manage infrastructure from part of the customer, together again. Also, if your clients need resources abroad, your team can run them from your Office. Thus, the total cost of infrastructure management is reduced. You can catch this as margin, or use it to lower the offer the customer to acquire more customers.

Accelerating the sales cycle and online infrastructure management when using cloud significantly reduces the total cost of sale. Reduce costs, though, is yet another enabler. The opening paragraph I said that the cost of limited market complex hosting. Reducing costs, cloud computing open new markets for you.

The disruption happening in managed hosting services and is not without its risks. Cloud services can be portable, reducing or eliminating the customer lock-in. MSPs must work more closely with clients to ensure customer satisfaction and success. In a previous blog MSP mentor I also noticed how measurement data can be used to identify customers whose use has been reduced and may need further attention.

Cloud computing is disrupting the hosting and managed services market. However, this disturbance will bring new customers and new opportunities for MSPs aggressive and innovative.

If you have not already done so, should investigate MSPs by adding or expanding their complex hosting services using cloud technology.

Bert Armijo is VP of product marketing for AppLogic CA. An industry expert and frequent speaker on cloud computing and has a track record of doing years of bringing new technologies to market.

BDR is more expensive than traditional Backup? MSP says No

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Managed services providers (MSPs) selling backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solutions may run into a common concern regarding price with customers. Many may say that BDR is too expensive compared to traditional backup, but is that really the case?

Watson told MSPmentor that MSPs should allow customers to "look at the true cost of the solution and use their own numbers."

Managed services providers (MSPs) selling backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solutions may run into a common concern regarding pricing with customers. Many may say that BDR is too expensive compared to traditional backup, but is that really the case? BlackPoint IT Services CEO James Watson spoke with us on this particular topic to clear any BDR pricing rumors in this MSPmentor exclusive.

Watson told MSPmentor that MSPs should allow customers to "look at the true cost of the solution and use their own numbers."

This approach enables customers to choose the option that makes the most sense for them and allows them to overcome their own objections and concerns.

He said that just because traditional backup software and maintenance may run a lot less than a BDR solution, it does not mean the BDR solution is more expensive.

Traditional software and tape typically has a higher failure rate

"What are the costs of maintaining and checking both systems?" he asked. "What is the cost in the event of an outage to bring the system back online, and what are the costs in downtime when the systems are not functioning?"

For instance, traditional software and tape often have a much higher failure rate than BDR solutions, Watson said. These older systems need to be checked regularly. Just two hours a week can add up to 104 hours per year.

"At a burdened cost of $30 per hour, this comes to a little over $3,000," he said. "This does not even add in quarterly test restores that could take up to 10 hours per server if they are ever done."

The real cost of disaster is lost business. Period.

Recovering data takes a lot more time when customers are using tape or traditional backup, Watson explained.

"Even if the probability is low the cost of a disaster and recovering the data can be high and amount to over 40 hours for a small sized company when they are using tape or a traditional backup," he said. "This compared to the always on reliability of a BDR solution can save 38 of those 40 hours in a minor disaster."

Watson added that the loss of business is the real cost of disaster. A customer can be up and running within hours with a BDR solution, instead of days with traditional backup.

Cloud Security Specialist SilverSky Acquires StillSecure Managed Security Practice

AppId is over the quota

Provider di soluzioni di sicurezza cloud GLS (un marchio creato quest'anno dal perimetro E-Security e USA.NET) ha acquisito la divisione di servizi gestiti di sicurezza di StillSecure, un MSP Colorado a base di servizi di sicurezza gestita e certificato di conformità. L'affare si espanderà business servizi gestiti di GLS.

Provider di soluzioni di sicurezza cloud GLS (un marchio creato quest'anno dal perimetro E-Security e USA.NET) ha acquisito la divisione di servizi gestiti di sicurezza di StillSecure, un MSP Colorado a base di servizi di sicurezza gestita e certificato di conformità. L'affare si espanderà business servizi gestiti di GLS.

Il nuovo acquisto è solo il più recente per il predecessore GLS perimetrale E-Security, che ha usato acquisizioni per sviluppare ulteriormente le sue piattaforme software di sicurezza cloud-based. Nel frattempo, StillSecure ha una ricca storia nello spazio servizi gestiti negli ultimi anni come un inizio del provider di servizi di gestione del dispositivo mobile e servizi cloud.

GLS ha detto che incorporerà Registro di StillSecure l'archiviazione servizio web e soluzione firewall di applicazione per la piattaforma di GLS. Inoltre, essa continuerà a sostenere StillSecure clienti e partner di canale e anche fornire loro pieno accesso al proprio portafoglio di software e servizi gestiti.

"Di StillSecure classe mondiale team, tecnologie innovative e servizi perfettamente in portafoglio e i clienti esistenti di entrambe le aziende stand di GLS di beneficiare notevolmente attraverso questa acquisizione," ha detto Tim Harvey, CEO, GLS, in un'istruzione preparata. "Questo accordo ci permette inoltre realizzare i nostri obiettivi strategici per ampliare il nostro portafoglio prodotti e ampliare la nostra esperienza di dominio per assistere ulteriormente i nostri clienti e partner."

GLS ha 6.000 clienti finali di organizzazione di servizi finanziari, retail, sanità, energia, infrastrutture critiche e settori manifatturieri.

Autotask comunità Live: MSP completo News Recap

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AppId is over the quota

Complete Autotask Community Live 2013 news coverage for managed services providers (MSPs).

Autotask CEO Mark Cattini's core message was about catching growth waves like cloud, mobile, social and big data.

As Autotask Community Live 2013 wraps up, there was plenty of cloud and business management news for managed services providers (MSPs). Whether you attended the MSP and customer event or tracked it remotely, here's a complete list of MSPmentor's coverage, related links and analysis.

Our coverage features:

1. Autotask Community Live: Seven Rumors In the Hall -- including a rather interesting one about Microsoft's Office 365 Open cloud partner program.

2. Microsoft, Continuum Update Cloud, Managed Services Strategies -- including more Office 365 insights plus managed services profit guidance from Continuum VP Steve Ricketts.

3. Autotask CEO: Potential Cloud Services IPO? -- CEO Mark Cattini describes why the company has met with bankers and financial experts. No IPO is planned at this point. But Autotask now has a lot more knowledge about its own valuation, I suspect...

4. Autotask CEO: We Are Big Data, Smart IT Platform -- Take a closer look at this blog entry because it includes extensive views from many of Autotask's top executives. This is the blog you want to read for all of Autotask's key MSP messaging from the conference.

5. Autotask Community Live: 20 Questions -- This was our preview of the conference, raising key questions that MSPs should explore. 

That's all for now.

BDR 101 maintenance apparatus for Datto partners

With summer around the corner, MSPmentor wanted to discover how MSPs could easily monitor the backup and disaster recovery (BDR) without making it seem like an additional burden, so we reached for disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (IBC) vendor solutions Given for some answers.

Maintenance of backup and disaster recovery (BDR) of the apparatus is a task that dovetails nicely with the main mission of the managed service provider (MSP) of monitoring and managing the customer's infrastructure. But with summer around the corner, MSPmentor wanted to discover how MSPs could simplify the process. So we reached for disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (IBC) vendor solutions Given for some answers. How can you keep MSPs using appliances efficiently Given? We reveal the answer.

Datto Sales Engineer Dan Ciccone spoke briefly via e-mail with you to provide some MSPmentor tips and tricks within, pointing out the obvious of MSPs.

"The best way to keep your appliance is Given to keep an eye on what is happening with every device in your fleet," he said.

He, however, offer the following advantages for MSPs offering customers equipment Given, revealing how the centralized management console the company in partner portal can be an effective way to maintain the appliances:

Make sure that the last backup for each device was successful;

Verify that backups are recorded and can run in virtual machines. This can be done through a verification function of screenshots is visible in the management console;

Access to any device in your remote fleet to alleviate any problems on the end user's location; and

Ping with warning device. If there is a problem with the hardware, you will receive a text message or an email regarding the error.

Instead of waiting for something to happen, be proactive monitoring and maintenance of your appliances Given. Access the centralized management console to take advantage of the company's tool for maintenance of equipment. What features consume more?

Apple iOS 7: Can You Manage new iPhone, iPad OS?

When Apple's iOS 7 arrives for iPad and iPhone in the fall of 2013, MSPs and mobile device management (MDM) software companies better be ready.

Apple says iOS 7 for iPhone and iPad will arrive in the fall of 2013. MSPs will be ready?

Apple (AAPL) today announced iOS 7, an update of the mobile OS for iPhone and iPad. iOS 7 is now in beta and will be available for smartphone and Apple Tablet in the fall of 2013. For MSPs, RMM, software vendors and management companies (MDM) on your mobile device, the race is on for 7 iOS is easily managed by remote systems.

Of course, a long list of software companies RMM (remote monitoring and Administration) already support Google Android and iOS 6. We will be checking in with Continuum, GFI Software, LabTech Software, Kaseya, level platforms, N-able (now owned by SolarWInds) and others in the industry to see how long support the new iOS release 7.

What consumers and business users expect from iOS 7? According To Apple:

"7 iOS is completely redesigned with subtle movement, a stylish color palette distinct functional layers that make it feel more alive. The typography was refined for a cleaner, simpler, and use of translucency and motion makes even simple tasks more engaging. iOS 7 has hundreds of great new features, including Control Center, notifications, enhanced Multitasking, AirDrop, enhanced images, Safari, Siri and introduces iTunes Radio, a free Internet radio service based on the music you listen to on iTunes.

The list of iOS features 7 deeper in detail include:

Control Center. A simple shot allows users to access a centralized control center for airplane mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or do not disturb and more, Apple said.Notification Center is now available from the lock screen, so you can see all your notifications with a single blow, Apple said.Improved Multitasking allows developers to enable any multitasking app in the background with a new API. In addition, Apple says, users have the ability to switch between their applications more intuitive and visual.AirDrop is a completely new way to share content with people close, Apple reported.iCloud Keychain can store passwords and credit card information across all your devices, Apple said.

Apple says iOS 7 beta software and SDK are available immediately for iOS Developer Program members at iOS 7 will be available as a free software update for iPhone 4 and iPad 2 later and later, mini iPad and iPod touch (5th generation) this fall, the company indicated.

Autotask comunità Live: 7 MSP voci nel corridoio

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Managed cloud services and rumors involving Microsoft Office 365, N-able/SolarWinds, Intronis, independenceIT and AVG surfaced at Autotask Community Live. Here are 7 such rumors.

Autotask Community Live wraps up today in Scottsdale, Ariz. In addition to our interviews with CEO Mark Cattini and Senior VP Len Castanzo, MSPmentor heard plenty of cloud and managed services chatter about Intronis, independenceIT, N-able/SolarWinds (SWI) and more at the conference. Here are seven rumors in the hallways ...

7. Sweet Spot: independenceIT claims to be the only hosted desktop/cloud app platform provider that (A) is pure channel and (B) controls its own technology. The company also targets the perfect-storm tr trend--cloud, mobile and big date. Executive VP Seth Bostock mentioned that the company's hosted desktop focus started during the first ASP (application services provider) wave in the late 1990s. Executive VP Jim Lippie, an MSP and Staples/Thrive Networks veteran, seemed pleased with his career move to the channel-centric company. The two executives want to make independenceIT the de-facto channel alternative to Office 365--while also virtualizing additional non-Microsoft apps for partners to serve end-customers ...

6. N-able's Cloud Upside for SolarWinds: SolarWinds acquired When N-able for $ 120 million last week, some critics openly wondered why SolarWinds was calling the deal an SMB cloud play. Here's a potential answer: N-able's Automation Manager technology empowers MSPs to manage on-premises, cloud and hybrid services--starting from VMware and Hyper-V to IaaS. Watch for N-able to say more about managing Windows Azure and Office 365 services in the weeks and months to come. Marco LaVecchia and Derik Belair's key message to MSPs: You have to stay relevant with your customers as cloud services catch on.

Side note: N-able GM JP Jauvin was an early champion for the Automation Manager technology when he arrived at the company as a consultant then president. Now, he's running the N-able business for SolarWinds.

5. Coming Soon: Cloud backup and storage enhancements continue at Intronis. An informed source who knows how to summarize information really well told MSPmentor the following: The Spring Release includes 13 Intronis QuickSpin, which offers advanced data restore support for virtualized machines; an enhanced Intronis Partner Portal lined with greater customization, usability and managed access controls; and Branding Wizard, a new marketing and enablement tool that lets Intronis partners quickly created a customer-facing portal featuring their own logo, colors and specific information. The rumor: Intronis Watch for a push beyond VMware hypervisor to include Microsoft's Hyper-V.

4. Where Are Security Vendors?: AVG, the anti-virus company, had a major presence at the conference. McAfee had a presence in Intel's (INTC) booth. But rivals like Kaspersky Lab, Sophos and Symantec (SYMC) apparently sat out the event. In some ways I think that's a mistake: Next to storage, security has got to be one of the first things MSPs offer their end-customers.

3. Opening Soon: After opening offices across Europe, Australia and Beijing, Autotask is preparing to increase its localized US footprint. Watch for a potential office to open in Chicago soon.

2. Selling into mid-market Corporate IT: In case you didn't see MSPmentor's coverage earlier this week, Autotask apparently sees an opportunity to promote its SaaS platform to corporate IT departments that want to become service providers to company business units.

1. Expanded Office 365 Open?: If you listened closely to Microsoft's keynote at the conference, the company seemed to be indicating that it's taking a close look at Open Office 365--a cloud partner program that allows VARs and MSPs to manage end-customer billing. Open is a promising offering, but it's only one small piece of the larger Office 365 portfolio. I think that has left some partners frustrated--and Microsoft knows it. "If I had to guess: Changes/updates will be announced at Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in July.

That's all for now ...

Axceler offers support for Microsoft SharePoint Migration 2013

Partnership governance, administration and migration Axceler provider offering a promotion for SharePoint Migration Axceleration to Microsoft (MSFT) 2013.

Axceler said that migration support for SharePoint 2013 includes Cleanup feature, migrate and manage environments.

Partnership governance, administration and migration Axceler provider offering a promotion for SharePoint Migration Axceleration to Microsoft (MSFT) 2013. How is the company that provides ways for cleaning, migrate and manage environments through its support? We reveal the answer.

Migration of any type can be long and challenging. The new offer from Axceler aims to facilitate the process of assisting companies with migration from start to finish and helping businesses prepare for the migration process, too.

Axceler CMO Claudine Bianchi said in his prepared speech that companies want to make the transition to the latest version of SharePoint, but you're not finding the right tools to help you with your migration.

According to the company, Axceleration promoting Axceler migration offers the following features to support the migration to Microsoft SharePoint 2013:

Real-time collection of important configuration data-allows users to view and access the latest information in their SharePoint sites; detailed pre-migration analysis-provides users with an analysis of their SharePoint environment before migrating so they can identify problems and make smart decisions;Content migration architecture implements optimized for large content databases, enterprise complex configuration and consolidation of multiple platforms; Migration insight-unleash a migration engine, built for speed and control.Data migration in waves – makes it possible for companies to create their own schedules, priority and severity of problems; andGet granular control-provides the ability to filter, configure and refine the migration, which allows for staging and detailed planning.

"With the support of our migration solutions, companies can evaluate their SharePoint environments and make the transition," Baker said. "The best time to improve controls of collaboration is when new software was introduced to the collaborative strategy of businesses, such as SharePoint 2013."

Axceler promotion acceleration migration is now available until June 30 and can be obtained through the company's Web site.

Separately, Axceler has recently introduced the corporate point of view, a single unified dashboard designed to provide organizations with views in their enterprise social networks, such as Yammer, Jive (JIVE), Microsoft SharePoint, Box and chitchat.

Cenzic launches managed services offering for Enterprise application security

Application security intelligence solutions provider Cenzic Cenzic has expanded its Managed Services for Enterprise Application Security to offer four levels of service, including an assessment of compliance-ready available for all types of organizations.

Cenzic CMO Bala Venkat: the lines between web, mobile and cloud are blurring. "

Application security intelligence solutions provider Cenzic Cenzic has expanded its Managed Services for Enterprise Application Security to offer four levels of service, including an assessment of compliance-ready available for all types of organizations. What is included in this new offering? You reveal the characteristics.

This offer allows you to remote vulnerability tests on the cloud, mobile and web applications. After that the risks have been identified, recommendations are provided to assist with data protection. The offer is powered by the company's HailStorm technology.

According to the company, the new offer includes the following features:

Secure code and analysis -monitors and analyzes the software code during development and finds errors and potential vulnerability without executing code;Development and pre scan -test their applications under development and staging environment as part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC);Manual penetration testing – Cenzic's professional security team will conduct extensive testing and customized to specific applications;Secure application Production test – test all web applications, web services and legacy applications safely without impact on the production environment;Production application of real time monitoring and integration of web application firewall (WAF) -provides real-time monitoring of web applications in production, providing real time results for the WAF and automates security policies to protect applications from vulnerability detected; andMobile application testing -test vulnerabilities in applications that have mobile connections.

Cenzic Cenzic CMO Bala Venkat, said in his prepared speech that "the lines between web, mobile and cloud are blur, resulting in new vectors, sophisticated and continually evolving online threats.

"This offer helps lower managed capital expenditure and operating costs, allowing companies the confidence that they are up to date with the latest security threats to their business," said Bruno.

For more information on Cenzic's partner program, please visit the company's Web site.

Live Blog: 5 Keys to Success from MSP, LabTech TruMethods

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LabTech Automation Nation continues with TruMethods CEO Gary Pica sharing 5 keys to MSP success, and Intel (INTC) educating MSPs about mobility and remote management.

TruMethods CEO Gary Pica shares 5 tips for MSP success during LabTech Automation Nation 2013 conference.


LabTech Automation Nation has attracted roughly 350 managed services providers (MSPs) in Orlando, Fla. TruMethods CEO Gary Pica is describing five keys to MSP (managed services provider) success. Then, Intel's (INTC) Scott Schafer tackled the latest mobile, ultrabook and vPro trends for MSPs. Here's a minute-by-minute live blog keynote recap.

Recap: TruMethods CEO Gary Pica Pica is about to share his five steps to MSP success. A key day in his life -- December 12, 1996: Pica decides to quit his job and invest in/build an IT services company. At first, Pica worked 12 hours a day, seven days per week. But the company was losing money and having trouble paying staff. But he went on to build an MSP that managed 7,000 endpoints and got acquired by mindSHIFT (now owned by Best Buy). Best in class MSPs add some MRR (monthly recurring revenue) per month; drive $100 to $110 per seat per month fees; and generate 14% to 16% net profits. World class MSPs, by contrast, add new MRR at the right price EVERY month, charge $120 to $160 per seat, with 25% to 35% net profits. Pica's 5 Secrets to MSP Success/5 Characteristics of World Class MSPs Business Planning Process: Transform from a brick layer and build cathedrals. Start with a shared vision for the future of the company. Have clear direction for the company and employees. Provide a sense of purpose and build culture. For your processes, focus on vision (10 years), target (3 years), plan (1 year) and action (1 quarter). Know What You Sell: Has what clients want to buy changed over the past five years? Pica says no. Everyone needs three things from technology -- plumbing, support and strategy. Focus on the end result; make sure you have the right people and processes; utilize technology (don't sell it); limit choices and options; and bundle services. If you don't know what you sell -- your support offering -- then change. Become Sales Focused: This has to be a company philosophy. You can't be world-class if you're not bringing in new customers at a predictable rate. Know your math (how much MRR you want, average deal size, close ratio, etc.). You need to have a process to generate and manage leads. Become accountable by having regular sales meetings. And have dedicated resources. Be realistic about your starting point on sales and marketing. Focus on warm lead sources (referrals) if your marketing list is weak. Be Process Driven: LabTech CEO Matt Nachtrab said yesterday that great MSPs aren't born, they are engineered. Similarly, Pica believes you can focus on 5 delivery areas: Support, Centralized Services, Proactive Network Administration, Technology Consulting and Non-Recurring Service. For LabTech MSPs, Pica recommended that you review tickets, alerts and project plans at least once per month; build R&D alliances with peer MSPs that want to drive automation with you -- do a call with them monthly to share best practices; leverage LabTech's training resources. Gain Command: Over your business, delivery areas and roles in your business. Until you have command you can't put a plan in place to get to your target destination. Know how to read a financial statement. Know the numbers that ConnectWise and LabTech deliver, which ultimately show you the health of your business. Know the gauges. To truly succeed: Make sure everyone has clear roles and responsibilities; attach metrics to each role; track results. Recap: Intel's Scott Schafer, vPro Programs Manger Intel vPro is now six years old, and the LabTech relationship is now in its third year. Schafer stated tongue in cheek that the PC is dead. Again. In reality, the PC is the ultimate Darwinian Device, Schafer asserted, quoting Andy Grove. The true trend is all about mobile computing and end point devices blurring. Ultrabook convertable and detachable devices prove that. In the business world, he asserted, current adopters say their ultrabook touch devices will replace tablets.  There are 200 million business PCs running that are more than 4 years old, and 30 percent of SMBs are still running Windows XP. Those realities spell opportunity for MSPs. He defined vPro as a great technology for hardware-assisted remote manageability. vPro typically allows MSPs to repair PC hardware issues 88 percent faster. Plus, vPro cuts on-premise PC visits for repair by about 50 percent.

Check back for continued updates.

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Managed services: 7 Blogs MSPmentor didn't write, 7 June

This week's news services managed provider (MSP), gossip, and rumors involves Autotask, LabTech Microsoft Surface, contour, tablets and more.

Our team has spent the week at Autotask community live, automation nation and LabTech Cisco Partner Summit. Next week, I'll be IBM Summit surface Edge/MSP-while keeping an eye on as far as the next level of MSP platforms Community Summit and TruMethods Schnizzfest. Meanwhile, there are reports of seven managed services provider (MSP) and Blogs that the MSPmentor team did not have the opportunity to write for the week ending June 7, 2013.

7. Bigger Picture: twice in recent days I have had extended conversations with LabTech Software CEO Matthew Nachtrab. We covered a wide range of things: LabTech's performance over the past year, the company's evolution, the commitment to integration with Autotask and Tigerpaw Software (you read that right) and much more. Stay tuned for a more complete review.

6. compressed Surface: I've seen some users of LabTech conference area. Neri was among them. I am still a long run I believe on the surface collapsed. But please can we have a channel partner program, Microsoft?

5. Career moves: at least three high-profile executives, high level MSP sector are close by changing jobs. Big names. Great moves. As soon as possible.

4. limit of earnings momentum: CEO Gary Read, Nimsoft's ex, caught lightning in a bottle – again? I hope to share information and insights from a recent conversation soon.

3. birthday: have a great one, Charlene.

2. Who's Next?: so, the Government of the United States is somehow monitoring the Google, Microsoft and others. Sorta makes you wonder: big brother can find time and resources to start infiltrating small datacenters MSP?

1. did you notice this?: Autotask has MSP training sessions in Microsoft offices across the United States at the same time, Autotask is tighter integration with Microsoft Office 365 offers. Hmmm ... just how close are the two companies will become?

That's all for now. Thank you for your continued readership.